Only People with Perfect Vision Can Find Animals Holding Empty Glasses

Test your sight and observational skills by studying this extremely busy image of a group of animals celebrating. Can you spot the three thirsty creatures who are holding empty glasses?

As the year comes to a close, a group of animals has gathered to celebrate in a festive, chaotic scene. But this isn’t just a party — it’s a challenge for your vision and observational abilities. Can you spot the three animals whose glasses are empty?

cartoon of animals having a party and drinking champagne

The image, created by Hungarian graphic artist Gergely Dudas, known as “thedudolf” on social media, is designed to make you work for the answer. It was shared in celebration of the New Year with the caption: “HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Can you find THREE EMPTY GLASSES?”

In this bustling scene, a variety of animals, including elephants, foxes, penguins, polar bears, owls, brown bears, and rabbits, are all part of the New Year’s bash. Their close proximity makes the details harder to distinguish, forcing your brain to work harder as you try to identify the animals holding the empty glasses.

While most of the animals are toasting with champagne flutes, there are three who are obviously very thirsty. Their glasses are empty — but can you find them?

How to Approach the Challenge

If you want to increase your chances of success, here are a few tips:

  1. Focus on the shapes: Rather than trying to scan the whole image at once, break it down by focusing on the shapes of the animals and the glasses.
  2. Scan every area carefully: Even seemingly insignificant sections could hold the key. A focused and systematic scan will help you spot the empty glasses.
  3. Trust your instincts: Don’t rush to make conclusions — sometimes the first impressions are misleading.

The Answer

Did you find the three animals? Here are the answers:

animals partying

  • Polar Bear: The first animal with an empty glass is a polar bear, located at the bottom left of the image.
  • Penguin: A penguin with an empty glass is located diagonally to the right of the polar bear.
  • Owl: The third animal, an owl, is perched at the top right corner of the image, holding an empty glass.

So, did you spot them all? If you managed to find all three without peeking at the answers, congratulations! Let us know how long it took and how you approached the puzzle in the comments below.

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