Two strikingly similar baseball players, both named Brady Feigl, took a DNA test to determine if their uncanny resemblance and shared life details meant they were long-lost siblings. The athletes, both 6’4 with red hair, red beards, and glasses, not only share a name but also play the same position in baseball. Their striking similarities and the confusion they’ve caused over the years led to growing curiosity about their possible biological connection.
Brady Matthew Feigl, 32, is a pitcher for the Long Island Ducks, while Brady Gregory Feigl, 27, plays for the Las Vegas Aviators. Their paths first crossed in 2015 when they both underwent the same elbow surgery performed by Dr. James Andrews. This peculiar coincidence, along with a mix-up involving a birthday tweet in 2017, kept fueling questions about their relationship.
Ultimately, the DNA test revealed they are not biologically related but share a striking 53% Germanic ancestry. Despite the absence of a familial link, both men consider themselves “brothers in a way,” cementing their bond over their shared name and unusual coincidences.
This story recalls the case of the famous “Jim Twins,” separated at birth yet leading eerily parallel lives. Such cases highlight the fascinating interplay of genetics, coincidence, and shared experiences. Interestingly, a study on doppelgängers noted that people with similar appearances often share some genetic markers, but not necessarily familial ties, underlining the mysteries of human genetics and identity