Home Alone Director Finally Reveals How Kevin’s Parents Afforded That Massive House

Turns out, the McCallisters’ backstory has some interesting details.

Ever wondered how the McCallisters could afford their enormous house and a lavish family trip to Paris for Christmas? Well, Home Alone director Chris Columbus has finally spilled the beans about Kevin McCallister’s parents and their financial situation.

The McCallisters’ Iconic House

The McCallisters’ home in Home Alone is nothing short of impressive. With 10 bedrooms and six bathrooms, the sprawling property in Illinois is as much a star of the movie as Kevin himself.

According to House Beautiful, the house spans an incredible 9,126 square feet and sits on just over half an acre. After a major renovation in 2018, which added features like a private movie theater and a basketball court, the property’s value skyrocketed to a whopping $5.25 million.

Of course, it would have been less expensive in the 1990s when the McCallisters lived there. But even then, it was definitely the kind of house that made viewers ask: How could they afford this?

Chris Columbus Explains the McCallisters’ Jobs

On an episode of The Hollywood Reporter’s Awards Chatter podcast, Chris Columbus revealed that he and writer-producer John Hughes had come up with a backstory for Kevin’s parents, Kate and Peter McCallister.

Do you know what Kevin’s parents did?

For those sharp-eyed viewers who noticed mannequins in the basement, that was a clue about Kate McCallister’s job. Columbus confirmed that she was a successful fashion designer, which explains how she contributed to the family’s wealth.

The house has 10 bedrooms

As for Peter McCallister, played by John Heard? That’s a bit more unclear.

Clearing Up the Mob Rumors

Over the years, there’s been a wild fan theory that Peter McCallister was involved in organized crime. Some fans even speculated that this connection was why the burglars Harry and Marv chose to target the McCallister house.

But Columbus quickly put those rumors to rest, saying: “Peter wasn’t involved in any sort of organized crime. Even though there was, at the time, a lot of organized crime in Chicago.”

So, what did Peter do for a living? Columbus admitted he couldn’t fully remember but shared an idea that ties back to writer John Hughes’ personal experiences.

“The father could have, based on John Hughes’ own experience, worked in advertising,” Columbus explained. “But I don’t remember exactly what his job was.”

Fans Weigh In

While Peter’s job remains a mystery, fans have offered their own theories. One Twitter user commented: “As amusing as the mob accountant rumor is, I always assumed Peter McCallister was a marketing/advertising executive. The reason being #HomeAlone was written by John Hughes, whose previous films had dads with similar jobs.”

Regardless of their specific careers, it’s clear that Kate and Peter McCallister had successful and well-paying jobs, which allowed them to live in such a grand home and take extravagant vacations.

With this mystery mostly solved, fans can finally stop speculating—though it’s unlikely the mob rumors will go away anytime soon!

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