From witty one-liners to savage burns that leave everyone speechless, these comebacks are prime examples of why the internet is such a comedic goldmine. If there’s one thing you should learn before hitting “post,” it’s to always be prepared for a clever retort.
Platforms like Reddit have elevated the art of the comeback to new heights, with subreddits like Clever Comebacks showcasing the best of the best. Users from all over the world contribute with responses so quick and smart that they turn otherwise ordinary exchanges into unforgettable internet moments.
Here, we’ve compiled a list of the sharpest, funniest, and most brutal comebacks that the internet has to offer. Be warned—you might laugh until your sides hurt!
Why These Comebacks Matter:
Beyond the laughs, these moments highlight the power of language and timing. They show how humor can be a tool for social commentary, calling out absurdities or challenging stereotypes. Whether it’s a stranger’s tweet or a Reddit comment thread, clever comebacks remind us of the internet’s role as the great equalizer—where wit always wins.
So next time you’re scrolling through social media or debating in the comments, remember: the best responses are the ones that leave everyone laughing and thinking.
1. Samee, But Different
2. Well Well Well
3. Do You Have One?
4. Atheists, Christians And Cats
5. Why Don’t You Stand Up For Yourself?
6. The Greatest Genius Of Our Time
7. I’m Gonna Use This One
8. The Third World Refugee
9. Found It On Twitter. Hope I Am Not Too Late
10. Why Would They Need To Am I Rite?
11. Just Another Reason To Keep My Purple Hair
12. Definitely Atheists That Do This
13. Both Magnus Carlsen And I Can Play Chess
14. The Entitlement
15. What A Good Reply
16. The Only Reasonable Response
17. I Mean They’ve Got A Good Point
18. Some People… Are Not The Smartest
19. Keep Your Stick On The Ice
20. They Must Have Had A Religious Exemption
21. British Got No Chill
22. Put The Blame Where It Belongs
23. The Call Is Coming From Inside The House
24. You Sure You Aren’t The One Here Illegally?
25. Educated Comeback
26. I Could See That Happening
27. No, No. He’s Got A Point
28. Trust Me, I’m A Doctor!
29. *whispers…ohhh Burn*
30. Rare Twitter W
31. I Like Tomatoes
32. No You Didn’t
33. Master Counter-Heckler Dolly Parton
34. I’m Not Sure If This Is The Appropriate Subreddit
35. Who Needs Kids Anyway
36. They Haven’t Looked At Anyone
37. And Then He Blocked Me
38. They Got Nowhere To Be
39. Ink Is Expensive
40. This Is How Detached The Rich Are From Reality
41. Clever And True
42. That’s Gotta Hurt
43. But I Need A Vaccine
44. Premature Celebration?
45. Noticing Their Grammatical Errors When Someone Question Someone Your Intelligence = Priceless
46. Now That’s A Damage
47. The Only Comeback This Pettiness Deserves
48. Poor Darren ?
49. Owned, Every Single Time
50. It Is Forbidden To Kill; Therefore All Murderers Are Punished Unless They Kill In Large Numbers And To The Sound Of Trumpets – Voltaire
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